Monday, December 14, 2009


It has been over three years since Michelle Young was beaten to a bloody pulp in the master bedroom of the Young's home just outside of Raleigh, NC. Her sister, called by her husband to go by the house on a specious errand, found her body amidst the small bloody footprints of Michelle's toddler daughter. I think that's what drew me to the case in the first place...those tiny footprints. That, and the little girl's voice in the background on the 911 call, prattling about boo-boos and washcloths.

Now, after all this time, Jason Young has been arrested and charged with Murder in the First Degree.

Yes, Virginia...THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS!!!


  1. After all this time I sure as hell hope they can make this stick. I wonder what new evidence they have now.

  2. I sure hope the arrest warrant is made public soon...there may be some Probable Cause information.

  3. Yay!!!! The day we have all been praying for. I sure hope they have their ducks in a row after three years. They must since they went to the grand jury and his azz was charged quickly - go directly to jail. Makes my day.

  4. Hi, Jo Ann! I think it's going to be OK.

  5. I found myself with tears streaming...we have all waited so long for this. The photos of him are horrible - his new look does not do him any favors. Maybe those mountain gals dig that mullet and cap style. Perhaps Bubba will dig it too?

  6. Me, too, Goldie! Wow! After all this time! I have a mugshot with the cap off. I'll add it.

  7. It is about effin thyme! I have insomnia tonight so I may not be compus mentis... however I will try. He is won sleazy sumbeech who has been a suspect from day one.
    I weel be watchin to see how much slower it can go. By the way, I love you Scourge!

  8. OH, that was moi. I don't understand all of those options at the bottom, so I will remain unanimouse. moi

  9. Merry Christmas, Jason!

  10. It's so good to see the two of you! Moi, I know you have a Google ID (your private blog used to be on Blogger)...if you know your password, you're good. Otherwise, pick the name/url button and skip the url box when that shows up.

    Anne-SC, I hope the trial is proportionately sooner than the arrest was! Someone at IS counted up that it is 1137 days between the murder and the arrest.

  11. I hope they have this nailed shut, but the grand jury put his ass away PDQ, so hopefully that's good, and it wasn't a grand jury that would indict a houseplant.

  12. I know you've been following this case closely, Ronni, and I'm glad there might be some justice, finally. Let's see what happens in UTAH! Maybe these A-holes should consider a little alternative to knocking us off and death penalty/LWOP- no-fault divorce! Honestly, it's got to be a better deal!!!!
