Monday, June 23, 2008

A New Story

Country Life, a new story at ElderStory.

Thanks so much to Ronni Bennett for publishing so many of my scribbles!

You can leave comments over there, if you like...or here...or both.


  1. Nice Ronni. I have arrived home from my 6 week holiday. Had a lovely time, I went to Canada, West and East Coast, Alaska, Boston and New York. I am catching up and watching what is going on with Enwistle case.

  2. I wish you could have come through Texas!

    Entwistle will get life, in spite of what Mandy Mutton is saying over at the IS boards.

    Bastard is guilty as sin.

    Defense didn't even present a CIC, just rested and went to closing arguments. Did his best to convince that Rachel killed her baby and herslef. After shooting the baby , the bullet landed in her left breast (which has few pain receptors, according to the lawyer (I don't guess he's ever had a mammogram), and lodged there. So she grabbed the gun and held it at arms length over her head and fired straight into her head. A non-contact wound.

    Beach-front property in Arizona, maybe?

  3. Meant to say, I'm glad you had a good trip!

  4. Terrific writing, Ronni. It never misses a beat.

    Mine disappeared too. All the garden gates were locked but my dad was working under the car in the garage. She walked up the garage steps and out through the roller door.

    A woman found her on the other side of a busy street going to the store fore "weeties" (our sweeties, your candy).

    That is the worst feeling on earth. There were 3 of us and each one of us thought she was with the other. Very dangerous!

  5. They aren't "scribbled", Ronni. You're a terrific storyteller.

  6. Oops. They not scribbleS...
