Monday, June 23, 2008

Lucky Me!

I got this at Goodwill! It was part of a jewelry lot in the bid cabinet, and I put too much on it, but I got it. There were other nice pieces in the lot--three necklaces made of semi-precious stone beads--garnet, turquoise and that agate stuff with the iridescence in it. Also, a copper bracelet, and several East Indian-looking bracelets made up of multiple strands of small glass beads on wires, and several pieces of contemporary costume jewelry that I can probably sell on eBay to recoup what I spent.

But, this necklace of amber is the cat's meow!


  1. That's beautiful! As we say here 'Health to wear!'

  2. I love those shops! I never have enough money go go wild, though.

  3. Neither do I! Still, I've bid on several items in their auctions over the years. Goodwill Industries is a huge chain of thrift shops here, that uses the shops to raise money for programs to educate disabled people for employment. As thrift shops go, they are a bit pricey because of that. When they get really good items donated, they auction them off. The even have on line auctions. Somewhere I have a moon rock I got in one of their auctions. It went for next to nothing, as some idiot spilled lamp oil on the documentation between the time I saw it and the time it wound up in the auction.

  4. very nice! I love stuff like that! good find
    check out newest post for a really good laugh! I just had to post it as I never saw it before and it made me laugh really hard!

  5. Ronni,

    I hope that amber doesn't have any old DNA embedded in it.

    Your neighbors wouldn't be too happy living in a new Jarissic park!!!!!

  6. None of my other amber things have sprouted dinosaurs, so It's probably OK.
