This is what I got up to yesterday morning. My printer tiredly moving, one slow line at a time, thud....thud....thud..., almost out of ink, and twenty-six copies of Joe David's head shot cascading to the floor.
The next printer I buy will not have buttons that can be activated by walking on them.
Here's a bit of cat dialogue (with thanks to Jules):
Cat #1: "What ya doin'?"
Cat #2: "Nothing. I'm bored. Let's see if there's anything we can get in to for fun now that mom is asleep."
Cat#1: "I am sooooooo there!"
Cat#2: "Hey look, she left the printer on. See the pretty green light?"
Cat#1: "Ooooh, that is pretty. Touch it. Go ahead, I dare you."
Cat#2: "Hold on, I need to jump up here first so I can get a closer....hey what was that noise?"
Cat#1: "Um....I don't know but there's something coming out of this thing."
Cat#2: "What the hell is that?"
Cat#1: "I don't know, it sure is taking its dear sweet time coming out. Can you get your head up in there and pull it out with your teeth? Ooops, never mind, it just popped out all the way."
Cat#2: "Cool, it's a piece of paper. Sure would be nice if it was wadded up so that we could bat it around."
Cat#1: "Yep, sure would be nice, but the one with opposable thumbs is asleep. So wadding is out."
Cat#2: Wow, there's a human on this paper. I wonder if he has any food."
Cat#1: "No, silly, it isn't a real human, but he sure is cute. I wish I had his picture all over the house so I could look at him anytime I wanted."
Cat#2: "Yeah, me too."
Cat#1: "Well, jump back up there and start stepping on all those knobby things again until another one spits out."
Cat#2: "Okay."
Cat#1: "WooHooo! You found it. Now just keep stepping on it over and over again. Pretty soon, we'll have tons of these and we can roll around in him all we want."
Cat#2: "How much longer....I'm getting a cramp in my paw."
Cat#1: "Keep stepping! This is way more fun than leaving prezzies under mom's bed, any day."
Cat#2: "I'll say. Even more fun than the time you coughed up a fur ball in that pot of boiling spaghetti sauce on the stove. And to think that mom never was the wiser."
Cat#1: "Hehehehehe"
Cat#2: "Hey! The good looking human stopped coming out of the printer. What happened?"
Cat#2: "Hurry...get the hell out of here and quick. I think we broke it. As long as we are no where in sight when mom wakes up, she won't have a clue who made this mess"
Cat#1: "Phew! That was close. Now what do you want to do?"
Cat#2: "Er....hey, let's pull all the cotton off the Q-tips in that brand new box in the bathroom. There's like 500 of 'em in there. It'll give us something to do for a good half hour."
Cat#1: "Um....okay."
I hope Stacey is feeling strong...! LHAT
ReplyDeleteHi, Mgt. Hope you had a loverly Hogmany, not to mention Christmas...
ReplyDeleteWe had a really lazy, quiet time these holidays, Ronni. Of course, I couldn't get to sleep until about 5:30 this morning and I feel knackered.
ReplyDeleteThis has obviously been a tough time for you and I feel helpless because I have no words of comfort.
Great news about Brendan, though.
Maybe you need some time on your own to give weight to your grief, knowing your daughters are there if you start to feel desperate.
You have great looking grandchildren, BTW.
Thank you for all your kind words!
ReplyDeleteMy next expedition with Aidan is going to be to the San Jacinto battlefield and museum, and to the Battleship Texas, which is nearby. They are both just the other side of Houston, so I might stay overnight there. It will be a very long day to go there and back in one.
On second thoughs...I think someone better tie Stacey down! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou have very knotty felines but ya gotta love their "technicat" abilities.
ReplyDeleteYou must get the warm fuzzies to know that you are such an integral part of their thoughts :-)
However, you must teach them more discretion -- did you really want or need to know about the up-chucked furball?
Thnx for the chuckle.
Your wit and humour rule Ronni. I think that my recently departed Calico Girl may have possessed your feline populus from over the rainbow bridge. She, in her heyday wrought the same kind of havoc on my keyboard right before my eyes and I would have to do a reinstall to get over it. I don't ever touch the F keys and she did merry dances on them.
ReplyDeleteThe entire felind dialogue was written by my very witty and poetic friend Jules.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jules!
I am cracking up! Thanks for the laugh!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe are like five to ten minutes from the Battleship TX in Deer Park. (just ask Loretta!) Please let me know if you decide to come this way. We have a blow up air mattress and plenty of room. We're also very close to NASA and would love to meet you/host your stay. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!
Thanks, Carri! I might just take you up on that, if you can handle a frenetic 9-year-old!
ReplyDeleteAhhhhh. Tie me down, Mgt? Are you daft woman? How do you expect me to get to Texas, thoughtfully take these spare photos off Ronni's hands (I'm caring like that, you know) drive home and wall paper my rooom with my new stash if I'm tied down??
ReplyDeleteThe Very Grateful Stacey. Sigh.