Monday, November 26, 2007

OK...How About This One?

Robb pleads to Voluntary Manslaughter

"I just lost it"

His wife, Ellen, was beaten so badly about the face that police thought she had been killed with a shotgun.

The first article says that he could get up to 20 years; the second cites seven.

Big difference there! Still, his lawyer says that he's going for 42 months, even though the minimum is 54 months.

Four and a half years, for killing his wife three days before Christmas.

I've heard of holiday stress, but this is way over the top!

I've seen people serving longer sentences for possession of cannabis!

I may have to go shopping. Between these two stories, I'm getting depressed.


  1. So he apologized to his daughter because "I know she liked her mother." Really? She LIKED her mother? Like she was the nice lady down the street who gave out full size candy bars on Halloween. I hope there is no way he will get the shorter end of the sentencing, that is just disgusting.

  2. I thought that was a bit out of touch, too. Like most narcissists, he has no idea of appropriate expression of emotion.

  3. Did we just not hear about these killings before? It seems like a plague!

    Children, wives and husbands murdered because they are in the way. Frightening!

  4. Don't they hand out stiffer sentences for embezzlement?
    I thought the time was supposed to fit the crime.


    Our justice system has gone to Hell.
