Thursday, July 19, 2007

Yesterday's sunset

I almost missed this one. Thanks, Vanessa, for calling me and telling me the sky was worth taking a look at!


  1. That is worth taking a look at. Don't you love it Ronnie when your kids, bring wonderful scenes like this to your awarness.

    How are you? What cases are you following at the moment?

  2. Keeping and eye on Jessie Davis, Lisa Stebic and Tara Grant, as well as Michelle Young...

    I love that Vanessa called me about that! I would have missed it entirely.

  3. Do you know if Michelle Youngs home was listed for sale Ronnie?

    I am not sure if I read that somewhere or if I dreamt it.

    There has been so many cases lately that I get pickled.

  4. Forget pixels. You've got "the eye".

    Great photo!

  5. Possum, the Young house has been listed.

    That's the listing.

  6. Oh, Mntwm, thank you. I love to take pictures, and Jim has been teaching me how. His dad was a biology professor, and many summers were spent taking pictures of mushrooms and such.

    I had an instamatic.

  7. I saw that last night, over here it was more purple, it was goregeous

  8. Spectacular picture, Ronni. As you can imagine, we very seldom get dramatic skies up here.

    I miss African skies.

  9. I always like sunsets. This is wonderful!!
