Friday, July 20, 2007

Late to the Party

I must have been sleepwalking for a while now, because I have not, until today, read this:

Was the 2004 Election Stolen?

It's the Rolling Stone article from June of last year, and I remember hearing about it, but a reader has kindly sent it to me today (thanks, Tracie).

Read it and weep, folks, read it and weep.

Oh, and, Ashley, I haven't ditched your blog from the list; I just gave it its proper title, so it is down under the "T's."


  1. Please tell me why he is still in the Whitehouse?

    No humiliation was humiliation enough for Bill Clinton. Bush is a crook and a murderer.

    We are not much better off in Britain with our crooks and murderers in Westminister. I don't think they tamper with our ballots, though.

  2. We reference to my seeming stupid question, above. If the elections were not fair, why are they not re-done?

  3. Both excellent questions, to which I do not have any answers, except that we are a nation of sheep, and not too brilliant ones, at that.

    The short story? Very few can believe it's actually happening. I can SO see what happened in Germany in the 1930s!

  4. The time to re-do the elections was in 2000 when Al Gore got swindled.

    Things would have been SO different. IMHO

  5. Yup. Most couldn't believe it was happening then, either. The problem seems to be that most of us want bread and circuses.

  6. Maybe some of the people aren't getting bread from the government....never mind circuses.

    An existent healthcare plan would not go amiss, either.

    What a waste of lives and money. All by a man most people know to be an idiot. Makes you wonder who the idiots are, doesn't it?

    1150 Scottish troops are being deployed on the British rotation of troops. Why? I could scream, but, it wouldn't help.

  7. Sucks, indeed, Mgt!

    We are being outnumbered, outvoted, and beaten to the best parking places by stupid people!

  8. The "pregnant chad" had already been done I guess. The right to vote is one our most fundamental and sacred rights as Americans, and I hold it dear. It is infuriating how this arrogant baboon gets away with bringing shame upon the presidency and disgrace to our Country. He thinks he is slicker than cat s**t on a linoleum floor.
    The signers of the Declaration of Independence did not "mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."
    so that our government could come to this.

    My friend, Daniel Hopsicker, is one of the 2 best investigative journalists there are, in my opinion. Bob Norman is the other. This is Daniel's home page.
    Among all the other great work he has done is the The Election Services Series. If you scroll down the page you will see the story links on the right hand side.

    You made a great comparison to Germany in the 1930s, Ronni. History does indeed repeat itself. This article by Thom Hartmann makes clear some chilling parallels between past and recent world events. It blew me away.
    The Third World Traveler website is a treasure trove of information on many subjects. No sheep allowed. :-)

  9. Thank you very much for those links, Donna. With so many like-minded out there, it must be possible to do something. Is it the old problem of deciding what to do? Are we all a bunch of emasculated Hamlets, here?

    Jesus H. Christ on a raft!

  10. I'm with you Ronni. But what can we do? I guess so many want to believe everything is "good in the hood" when in fact, the hood is going to be history if we don't do something. But what? Vote? That's been proven not to work. What then? I guess that is a rhetorical question...if you knew, you'd tell us :)

  11. Seems like there's a lot of dissenters that need to get together.

  12. I'm apologising in advance for saying this...

    They knew what to do with the Kennedy brothers, didn't they?

    That is so vile, but, if this crowd is able to steal elections, what choice have you got?

    Bush has made a fortune for all his Daddy's friends. And, his own.

  13. Not that is a whole nother conspiracy!

  14. You got me thinking about the subject of voting. This part of my blog post at The Daily Profiler.

    "We must restore faith in our system of government. Last week, a commenter on RonniRants Blog said, "Vote? That's been proven not to work." Many Americans feel the same way. In reality, voting does work, it always has and still does. It’s working perfectly for special interest groups and politicians with personal agendas. Consider this. Roughly 20- 25% of registered voters go to the polls on Election Day. Who knows how many have not bothered to register at all. The way I see it, if lobbyists only have to target the relatively small number of people who actually do vote, how hard can it be to manipulate people and issues to get the desired results? The system itself remains largely intact and still works for those who use it. The point is, it DOES still work. If you ask me, I think it would work even better if we did away with the electoral college and had a popular vote where each ballot counted."

  15. Thanks very much, Donna. You have a very valid point, and that is really a wake-up call. Did anyone see "60 Minutes" tonight, about the Prescription Drug Plan vote in the House? We have got to get rid of the incumbents and the lobbyists.

  16. "I am only one, but I am one.
    I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
    And because I cannot do everything,
    I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
    What I can do, I should do.
    And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do."

    -- Edward Everett Hale

    I will check it out. Thanks, Ronni. :-)
