Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Teenage Wasteland.

Ronni Bennett has been kind enough to publish another of my stories.

Thanks, Ronni.

I hope you all enjoy it.


  1. You break my heart, Ronni. That made me blush, remembering how mean my girlfriends were to me when we went to dances.

    They had breasts and ridiculed me at every turn. Made me feel inferior. I used to think they were just irritated because I was irritating. Now, I know they were just being mean.

    They were only allowed out because my brother chaperoned us. When I told them that I no longer wanted to go because they made it miserable for me, things soon changed. And, eventually, I grew boobs. LOL

  2. look haw far we have come! And you know what? Many of the kids I went to school with are still living in that little town, and doing their best to make it a better little town. A lot of the ones who were "popular" have stayed. Maybe it was the lack of acceptance that helped to drive the rest of us out into the wider world.
