Thursday, September 28, 2006

Does That Make Me Crazy?

Borrowed this idea from Justin,

You have to tell some of your idiosyncracies.

All righty, then.

I dance or jiggle right before I make my first entrance in a play.
My house is a mess.
I think God was invented in man's image, because man wants to think that somebody is in charge of the universe. Chaos is frightening.
If I could have one supernatural power, I would choose Healing.
I enjoy ironing.
I like haggis.
If I had spare money, I'd buy a camera with more pixels. I'm not exactly sure what a pixel is, but I think that the more of them your camera has, the clearer your pictures are. So I want more pixels.
I SO wish I could sing.
I am secretly smug about having quit smoking.
I will be even more smug when I lose the 30 lbs.


  1. My daughter likes Haggis. It is always served with swede and mashed potatoes, here.

    I just haven't had the courage, yet!

    Otherwise you seem normal! LOL

  2. BTW, hope you are feeling better, Ronni.

  3. Thank you, Mgt. I am still battling the cold, but I am winning!
