Saturday, August 19, 2006

Good Points

I know I have some!

In no particular order:

1. I have a fair command of the English language, including spelling, grammar and punctuation.
2. I am very good at cold reading.
3. I am a good cook, especially of things that all come out of one pot, such as stew or beans.
4. I make the second-best cornbread in the state of Texas.
5. I can talk extemporaneously.
6. I can listen.
7. I have a huge laugh.
8. I am not afraid to make a total fool of myself.
9. I am fairly good at some crafts; knitting, macramé, sewing, embroidery.
10. I am trustworthy.
11. I am not afraid to learn new things.
12. I acknowledge my faults.
13. Any project I accept gets my best effort.
14. I stand up for my kids, friends and family.
15. I like to make people look good.
16. I am generous.
17. I have a great sense of humour and a dry wit.
18. I can write limericks.

If you can think of anything to add, please feel free.


  1. I'd like to add that you're a riot because of your sense of humor, and that you're a very genuine person. You're a keeper!

  2. You have many fine qualities, not least of which is your loyalty to people and causes you believe in. You have integrity and are true to your convictions. That's a scarce commodity these days.

  3. Your kitties are nearly as pretty as mine...

  4. Loyal, honorable, trustworthy, and a great sense of humor!
    It has been my pleasure to 'know' you.

  5. I'm starting to sound like a boy scout!

  6. I'd like to know who makes the best cornbread in Texas if yours is 2nd best?

  7. Virginia Toungate makes, hands down, the best cornbread in the state of Texas, if not the entire country.

  8. You call a Spade a Spade, Ronni!

    I believe your don't suffer fools and have great integrity, loyalty and good sense of fair-play.

    I feel sorry for life's bullies while you are around.

    I haven't experienced your sense of humour first hand, but I feel it.

    You are simply, Great!

  9. ~thankyouverymuch~

    ~scuffing toe in the dirt~

  10. not to mention that you are a VERY strong woman who pulled us through so much. I hope I can be as good a mother as you are. ... sorry, I'm all mushy since the ultrasound this morning

  11. I suppose this isn't the time to mention this, but that "strong" thing?

    It was all a front.
