Friday, August 18, 2006


Tripper is a big help with costumes.


  1. Oh my, I had to enlarge the picture to see that Tripper is lying on a petticoat!

    That territorial look...William Wallace would be proud!

  2. Escuse the OT, Ronni.

    It looks as though Sir Paul is going to get a serious whipping from Heather Mills.

    That's what trust gets you...

    If there is a next time, I suggest he doesn't waive his right to a pre-nup.

    The woman has no shame!

  3. "MY petticoat!"

    I actually did have trouble taking it away from him.

  4. Re Sir Paul: There's no fool like an old fool. I feel sorry for him, too. I thought he must be in his dotage when he married her. The superficial resemblance to Linda set alarums off in my mind.
