Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"My Bugatti Story" Review

Austin Live Theater blog.

I'm costuming this. It is my first adventure into Austin theater. Lynn Beaver is directing, and I've worked with several members of the cast and crew at Sam Bass.

It's a good show, and well worth the $10 ($5 for students), that Salvage Vanguard is charging.


  1. Good morning, Ronni.

    I'm going to have to read that link a little later on. I won't be in tomorrow as it is my aunt's funeral.

    Will check in next week though.

  2. Mgt, I'm sorry about your aunt...

  3. The reviewer loved your costume work! I'm sure you saw that little snippet about the "confection of a dress..." though my actor side wishes he had focussed on my acting as well as the costumes!
