I canNOT understand what the hell they have found to debate about ALL DAY and into tomorrow!
Boston Herald Blog (again).
The comments are coming in thick and fast, over there!
Personally, I can't see any verdict but "Guilty."
Rachel killing herself and the baby does not make sense. Maybe this comment from the comments under "Jury Sent Home" will help:
"...if there was the slightest doubt or even a 1% possibility I would be convicting an innocent man I would have to say not guilty - BUT - only if there was the slightest doubt."
The standard under the law is "beyond a reasonable doubt." To expect the prosecution to prove their case beyond any doubt at all would mean that no one would be charged with murder, unless the killer was caught, bending over the body, with the weapon in his hand, witnessed by a dozen good men and true, caught on videotape and making a confession.
Beyond a reasonable doubt.
As the detective said in Amanda Lamb's book about the investigation into the death of Eric Miller, Deadly Dose, "The truth makes sense. If it doesn't make sense, it's not the truth."
~it does not make sense to find your wife and baby dead and run for a knife to kill yourself.
~it does not make sense to pick up a gun (a heavy gun), and hold it backwards over your head, shooting through the top of your head to commit suicide. (I do have some experience with the phenomenon of suicide-by-handgun)
~it does not make sense to see bubbles coming out of the mouth of your gut-shot baby unless you are there within the two minutes it would take her to die. Bubbles are formed from air and mucus or other viscous fluid, and, if the baby is dead, there is no air coming out to make the bubbles.
And finally,
~it does not make sense to acquit Neil Entwistle.
The defense attorney, Elliot Weinstein, is right up there with Geragos when it comes to scattering garbage and hoping it will stick. the sumbitch actually tried to convince the jury that the police stole Neil's wedding ring, when he knew perfectly well it was found in his wallet.
Yup. Neil high-tailed it to London without so much as an overnight bag, and, when the police arrested him, he had a page of escort service ads from a magazine in his pocket, along with some preliminary thoughts on how miserable he was without his wife and child, and thoughts on selling his story to the highest bidder.
I'm all in favour of a careful deliberation, but come ON! what in the world can they be arguing about all day and into tomorrow?
Wish I had time to follow this, Ronni. The fact that the Jury has any doubts beggars belief.
ReplyDeleteHow long did it take the Scott Peterson Jury?
That awful guy that threw his 4 year old daughter, Lauren, off a cliff got a hung jury, I think. What???
Ahhh, Guilty Ronni. Its official.
ReplyDeleteRonni, Ihave tried to leave a couple of comments since I arrived back from my holiday, but I am doing something wrong I think. He is GUILTY. Thank God.
ReplyDeleteI have been away, did both sides of Canada, went up to Alaska, over to Boston and down to New York. I loved it, we want to come back and spend more time in the USA.
I am so glad they found this guy guilty, god bless Rachel and their baby girl.