Thank goodness the jury could see it, too.
His parents seem as sunk in denial as Lee and Jackie Peterson, though, and their remarks after the verdict are appalling.
Boston Herald story
From his mother:
“We know that our son Neil is innocent and we are devastated to learn that the evidence points to Rachel murdering our grandchild and then (committing) suicide,” Entwistle’s mother, Yvonne Entwistle, said in a rare public statement. “I knew Rachel was depressed. Our son will now go to jail for loving, honoring and protecting his wife’s memory.”
What evidence points to Rachel having done this? Please be specific. If you knew that Rachel was depressed, why didn't you help her? Tell your son to help her? Tell her parents? Too bad your scum son didn't love, honour and protect HIS WIFE! Then he wouldn't be in the position he's in. Mostly, he could have protected her by staying in England and messing around with all the cheap hookers he wanted to. Rachel and Lilly would still be alive. Look, I can understand your not wanting to believe he's guilty, but you were there in the courtroom. You heard the same evidence the jury did. Don't you think you might be the teeniest bit biased? Think back on how he acted as a child. Did you let him get away with lying to you? Did you teach him that he is "special?" Did you cover for him when he got in trouble? Did he get out of trouble by saying, "I love you, was an accident," while batting his lovely long eyelashes at you?
From his father:
“We knew Neil would not receive a fair trial,” he said. “We will continue to fight for our innocent son with the hope that one day justice will prevail.”
He also said he hoped that his “little granddaughter Lilly may rest in peace.”
You KNEW? How is that, Mr. Entwistle? Because the system is different from the one back home? And how do you know he's "innocent," Mr. Entwistle? Because he told you? Now, be honest (if possible), and tell us just how your son's desperate flight home to the whores he knows and Mummy and Daddy, without even calling 911, is the action of an innocent and honourable man. This boy was not brought up in the English ideal of personal responsibility, courage in the face of adversity, and honour above life, now was he? You, sir, are a fraud, and certainly no gentleman. If, indeed you actually believe Lilly's mother killed her (and I don't see how you could), don't you think she is as in need of prayer as Lilly?
Obviously, the acorn has not fallen far from the oak.
And anudder thing (as Rose used to say), many women feel post-partum depression, but very few commit crimes. Using the post-partum depression excuse for any sort of crime is a crock. It's like blaming a glandular condition for being overweight. Yes, there are cases of overweight caused by glandular disorder, but they are extremely rare. People use it as an excuse. To attack Rachel in this way is outrageous. The jury didn't buy it, and neither do I.
I thought of Whacky Jackie and Lee,straight away.
Yup. I would be interested in comparing Neil's background to Scott's.
ReplyDeleteNeil's mother's use of the word "murder" is beyond reprehensible! They say the pathology of most narcissists can be traced back to their mothering -- Neil & Scotti-boy are prime examples.
ReplyDeleteI posted on that link you gave for Lee Peterson. Even though I meticulously keep to the facts, it was moderated out.
What a shock -- NOT!
While I agree in general with your comments on post-partum depression, I think Andrea Yates is an exception.
You could be right about Andrea Yates. A more pathetic specimen of a woman I have never seen.
ReplyDeleteWHOA! Neil is guilty. Scott is guilty.
ReplyDeleteBlaming their parents after the age of adulthood isnt fair at all. It is still their babies.
Throwing knives at the parents is bad. Really bad. They have enough pain right now. Imagine this is YOUR kid!
I am glad that both of them are getting what they deserve. Their parents must be in a world of shit.
Did they take him to the cops and say, confess? No. did they accept the verdict? No.
ReplyDeleteThey enable, make excuses, blame the system, blame the victim.
Somebody raised these men. They did not leap into the world fully fucked up.
The Hacking family dealt with a murderous son in an honourable and ethical manner. The Petersons and the Entwistles did not.
My opinion, of course, and yours is just as valid.
And blaming the victim is just flat-out heinous!
ReplyDeleteThey could have said, "I believe my son is innocent, and we will fight for justice for him forever," and left it at that.
Sorry Melissa but when Neils' mom accused Rachael of murdering her baby, she lost my sympathy. His father has prayers for the baby and not Rachael? Like Ronni said, they could have professed their son's innocense and left it at that.
ReplyDeleteOf course there are exceptions but a person carries their parenting for a lifetime.
I was horrified when I read what his mother said about that poor defenceless mother and child. Killed while they slept. Effing coward!
ReplyDeleteI love my grandson more than words can say but if he hurt, killed or maimed another human being deliberately, I will not defend him. I will love him but not defend him.
Consequences. Every human being has to understand...there are consequences.
It is a horrible position for a parent to be in, no question. How they deal with it is the measure of their character.
ReplyDeleteThis guy was so guilty I don't even know why they wasted the time and money on the trial. If you find murdered people in your house, you call the police. Why? Because the killer could be coming back for YOU. Did that occur to Entwhistle? Nah.
ReplyDeleteHey, I am not excusing Neil (or Scott for that matter).
ReplyDeleteBUT, if their precious told them that he thought Rachael did it and he was covering up for her and they believe him (because he is their baby) I do think that the calling Rachael a murderer would fit right in.
It is natural for a parent to believe their kid when it comes to something like this. To not believe he is capable, that someone else did it.
I blame him, and his parents are victims as well. They lost a grandchild as well. To want to blame someone else is just a defense to them.
Yes, they have misplaced anger, because ANYTHING is better than believing your baby did something like this.
I am glad that he was found guilty. Seriously. But it was HIM that did it. His parents being delusional about him doesnt spike my anger. I try to put myself in their shoes in cases like this. I wouldnt want to believe either. And until it happens to us, we will never really know either.
I really dont mean to offend, but the offenders are behind bars. Just because there are people that buy their stories doesnt make them guilty. Especially the ones that love them.
He was found guilty because of his strange behavior, after discovering the bodies and during the trial.
ReplyDeleteBasically he can't kill himself so he is waiting for others to do it.
The fact is, the evidence is very, very clear. He is innocent.
The emotional responses by everyone have clouded the logical facts.
His defense hasn't been helped by the fact that he doesn't want to save himself.
Ignoring the facts and just using probabilities based on human behaviour.
Men do not smother children women do.
A father would not shoot his child in the body. A mother would, if held in an embrace. This explains the wound to her breast. Has
anyone not heard of post baby blues and the depth of despair it creates.
Couple this with her husband's bad behavior, debt and HER father's gun.
Remember the chances are, that with the pregnancy and the use of other women by Neil, the obvious fact is that were not having a loving physical relationship.
This and the blues and a father who teaches how to shoot.Did she blame her baby?
Strangely the only other person so far I can find agrees with me is in the legal profession. Perhaps he is just using the facts and case experience.