Friday, April 04, 2008

Blood Drive for Jasmine

There will be a blood drive tomorrow for Jasmine Subia in Williamson County Park. Saturday, April 5th, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Jasmine will be there all day.

Williamson County Park is just north of 1431 on Sam Bass Road. Go here
Jasmine's Caring Bridge site for details.

If you are in the area and can possibly help out, please do.

If you're not, how about making a donation wherever you are? I'm sure that blood banks wherever you live would be glad of the donation.


  1. I'm sure there will be a good response, Ronni. Even I tried to become a donor once but they told me the needles were bigger than my veins. I'm a reject.

    It took me years to pluck up the courage. Five years of having my blood taken with a tiny butterfly needle hasn't made me feel any better about it, though.

    Yes, I would definitely give blood if I could.

  2. Good point, Mgt. I will amend the entry to suggest that, even if you're not here, if you can donate blood tomorrow, do so, wherever you are.

    The last time I tried, they wouldn't take it, either. It was a while ago, and I was too skinny!

  3. Best wishes to Jasmine, she is looking well.

  4. I dont live in the area, but I just gave 2 weeks ago, so I cant give tomorrow.

    They have a blood drive at my office every 2 months, which is the recommended time lapse in between donations.

    They give us a gas card for $15 too, woo hoo, that will get you about an 1/8 of a tank these days.

    My prayers are in for Jasmine.

  5. I am bummed! I wanted to come down today, but according to the Red Cross, being on antibiotics for a sinus infection counts me out for now. Feh. I shall have to donate with her in mind whenever I kick the ick of doom out of my sinuses.

  6. We were there from 2:00 to 3:00. They wouldn't take my blood because my red blood cell count was 36 and needed to be 38 or higher ... bummer. Jazz is doing well today, she was playing with some of her old soccer buddies.
