Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A bit about "Donna Thomas"

Donna Thomas on YouTube discussing a different case.

I hate to be shallow and crass, and Lord knows, I'm not much in the looks department, but does she really look like somebody with whom Scott would be having a long-term affair? Remember when the Peterson apologists said that Amber was a "two bagger?"

I'd love to have a body language analyst look at this. Her movements seem somewhat aggressive, to my uneducated eye. Maybe she has some sort of condition that makes her move like that.

ModBee article about the Peterson book, and Ms Thomas.

Seems the lady has a history.

A cat has danced on my keyboard recently, and I find myself unable to copy and paste, or I'd fisk some of her comments in the article.

Maybe later, if I can figure out what the cats have done...


  1. Somehow, I don't think she is going to make a whole bunch of money on that book. I mean, can anyone be bothered?

  2. I don't know too much beyond the initial missing case because it irritated me no end that black woman in our community, 7 months pregnant, went missing at the same time. It is now called "The Lacy Peterson Syndrome", where news stories focus only on horrible stories featuring the pretty and the rich. It's very sad. Sorry I kind of went off topic there.

  3. No such thing as "off topic" around here! You are absolutely right, and I try to mention cases that aren't getting any publicity.

  4. your cats think she's a 4-bagger

  5. Surf, you're pretty good at reading people. What's your take?

  6. I can sum up my opinion of her book
    in 2 words:

    zero credibility

    A more wordy take on her character, or lack thereof, wouldn't be nearly as benevolent.

  7. Boy. My hinky meter is going crazy. I have the book (thanks, Ronni) and it's a treasure trove of crap.

    I am going to enjoy fisking the daylights out of it.

  8. I can hardly wait!

    Sorry about the highlighting and margin scribbles. I forgot I was going to send it to you...

  9. The Mod Bee sure sounds suspicious of her claims, didn't they?

    I think this is all a big fantasy on her part.

  10. Yikes, Ronnie you should post a warning about that YouTube. My eyes!
