Wednesday, December 05, 2007


'Tis Santa Season at the Costume Shop, and Dickens Caroler season, too. It's all good. Usually Ramona handles the Santas, as the record-keeping for them is somewhat complicated. Most of our costumes go out one day, and come back on some designated day in the future. Not Santas. They sometimes go out for three hours, come in, and go right out again. Especially the gorgeous crushed velvet one.

This year, I've been fitting some of them, and I had one yesterday. I asked the man trying it on what his chest measurement was, and he told me it was 42". I thought that was a tad conservative, and also that some of the extra had slipped downward a little. I measured him at the waist at over 50". With a Santa suit, that's OK--it just means that he doesn't need any padding.

The caroler was really cute. She came in with two adorable (but slightly wild) children in the 1-3 range. There is no way we can make the Costume Shop childproof. It is a workshop and warehouse, and there are racks, and ladders, and sewing machines, and swords, and irons; not to mention scary masks and other reasons for getting a sitter before you come in. So, I guess she could be forgiven for not knowing her measurements. I asked her waist measurement, and she told me 32".


My waist is larger than that, and she was larger than I. I measured her at 38", and that took some squeezing. Of course, I didn't shout it out, or anything--providing reality checks is not in my job description.

I found her a skirt with and adjustable waistband, and adjusted it upward.

She looked very nice when she left--all in forest green and ivory. We don't have to be thin to be gorgeous, you know.

The thing is, how can she look in her mirror, day in and day out, and not see that her waist is 6" larger than it used to be?

How can Santa Suit Guy not notice that his tummy sticks out over his shoes?

I don't get it.


  1. With some people I think it is contentment, Ronni. With others it is a type of wishful thinking.

    If you asked me for my measurements my response would be "You tell me!" LOL. I've given up, altogether.

    BTW, I thoroughly enjoy your writing. You could so easily have deprived us of our daily treat. So I'm saying, thanks.

  2. Yes Ronnie, I too wish to thank you for your "daily treats". Reading your blog is on my morning to do list! You are truley a admirable woman! Thank you for sharing your life, and my thoughts and prayers are with you!

  3. some people have magic mirrors others can face the mirror for years without seeing the truth. Some people (GB) don't admit the truth no matter what.
    I too start my day by checking your blog.
    Thank you for your views and your honesty.

  4. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt! Maybe that woman gave the waist measurement she had before those two adorable hooligans were born. In any case, you did good making sure she looked nice and wasn't embarrassed about her little miscalculation. And to answer your question about looking in the mirror, well, that's easy.... Don't look! :-)

  5. How are rehearsals going? When does the show start?

    Good day, Ronni. This is not my favourite time of year, very expensive and then it is over in a flash, leave children wondering what they can ask for next year.

    My aunt has a birthday on Friday. She is always suffering from the heat in the hospital but do you think buying her a table-top fan would be inappropriate? She can't read, can't eat anything unless it is mashed up, so....I'm stumped. I really don't want to do the usual nightgown thing as I feel everyone else will be doing that.

  6. BTW, I managed to get into the gallery. I cannot enlarge or use the Slideshow option, but I will enjoy having a look. Thanks!

  7. Ronni, you have the patience of a saint.

    Mgt, I think a fan for your Aunt is a great idea. She'll love you forever.

    My Great Aunt's 91 and in a similar situation. I'm sending her some warm footy socks and a book with pictures of great classic art.

  8. Um, that was me, Nadine.

  9. WADR Ronni, not only do I not know my measurements, I lie on my driver's license. I haven't gained a pound in years. :)

  10. Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

    I think a fan is a wonderful prezzie, Mgt.

    CG, I know I'm going to smack myself upside the head, but what is "WADR?"

  11. With all due respect, I think.

    Morning! How are you coping energy-wise with rehearsals and life-in-general? I feel exhausted just being me, heh!

    Thanks, I'm relieved about the fan. Maybe I will try to find her a Walkman (old fashioned name) and some books on tape. She must be so bored lying there day in and day out.

    Thanks to you too, Nadine. You are the sweetest lady.
