Sunday, October 07, 2007

Hilary Hilarious

Look at me!

I need a home!


  1. Gorgeous cat! Great pic! Wish I lived closer. She could come live with me.

  2. Oh deario, you must keep Hilary the calico, as she will be with you forever (as to my experience) and she can sort men out by the dozen. Maybe you can send her on the greyhound bus to Loretta in the land of cleaves where we are planning babylon bingo. Hilary gets to pick the darts involved in this game. Am I being too diabolical regarding the games people play? Listening, Loretta, dahlink. I think we will have to hire this calico to effect your choices, she looks like she would like a trip to NYC.

  3. effect is a new burb. affect is too ostentatious.

  4. This Kitty looks like she fell into the paint bucket!
