Sunday, September 09, 2007



  1. Ronni:

    I admit the pictures are pretty cool--but where is a picture of the couple of fine-looking men!!!

  2. Ronni, that's a very cool picture. Red is your color, dear.

    And I was just wondering the same thing Susan asked. No teasing us with invisible hunks, now! We want to see the goods.

  3. That is very clever Ronni.

    thinking of you sweet lady.

    We lost our Greatgran this week, she was 99, and was really looking forward to the lady in the castle, sending her a telegram. She only had 6 months to go. She had a fall and it was downhill from there.

    So we too have been in reflection mode, doing a bit of crying, and had a few laughs at some of her antics as well. She had a lovely send off.

    Just wanted to pop in and let you know that, you are in my thoughts, and I care about you very much.

    Keep writing sweetlady,

  4. I checked his website. Pretty cool stuff. You can add model to your resume, now!

  5. I am sorry Ronni, I shouldn't have mentioned about my Greatgran. please accept my apology.

  6. Oh, please don't apologize, possum! I know I'm not the only person in the world to suffer a loss recently. Another friend emailed me to say she had lost her mother...

    "In the midst of life..." and all that.

    We all have stories to tell.
