Y'all are probably tired of hearing me whinge about all the fun I'm having, trying to straighten out the mess Jim left, right?
Thought so.
Anybody want a cat? I have six wonderful, mature, short-haired cats that I will let go free to very good homes. All but one have been "fixed," and I will have her spayed before I give her away. Each of them would love to be in a home where he or she would be either the only cat, or one of a small number.
There's Bear Cat, who is grey, Moe, a red tabby, Achilles who is black with a little white spot on his neck, Gladys, a tortoise-shell with the prettiest green eyes, Hilary, a tortoise-shell also, and Lolly, a sleek, tiny black and grey tabby.
Jim loved these cats, but I can't afford to keep them all. If I find homes for all of these, I will still have four to keep: Red, who was Addy's, Quinn, who is very photogenic, but is half-blind and half-deaf, Banshee, who drools, and Tripper who is MY CAT!
Tomorrow is another day.
ReplyDeleteTomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.
Ha! I had hit "publish" by mistake, and then went back to change it.
ReplyDeletePlease cut yourself some slack. Whine, cry, moan, bitch, throw a big pity party. You're life was turned upside down in a matter of seconds and you're left picking up the shattered pieces through no choice of your own. This is your blog and your domain to complain and cry 24/7, if you so choose. No one should expect anything out of you right now, except for your son. If you want to vent, then do it and don't worry if people don't want to hear it. They don't have to read it. You have every right to let loose here, good or bad days.
You have a long road ahead and it's definitley a bumpy ride, but you're a tough woman and you will survive. One hour at a time. That's all you can focus on. Baby steps! Prayers that God will embrace you wih his grace and bless you with strength each and every day. Thinking of you often.
If you need help with the TRS paperwork, please let me know. My boss will gladly take your call at no cost. He already offered.
Carri! Hi...how are you doing? If Betty and I get in a bind with the TRS, I'll be in touch! So far, it looks as if it should go through easily, but that could be pure T optimism!
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with a little optimism every now and then. Ha!
ReplyDeleteI'm doing very well these days. Thanks for asking.
Hope you get some sleep tonight.
Emotionally, I am a "keep the cats at all costs" kind of person. But realistically you are doing the hard but right thing, Ronni. Not for yourself, but for the cats.
ReplyDeleteI am currently catless. If I lived on your continent still, I would be honored to give one or more of Jim's cats a loving, fun and forever home. Alas the logistics preclude that.
Thoughts are with you in this difficult time.
Good morning, Ronni.
ReplyDeleteCan't give a cat a home but if there is anything else you think I can do for you, you only need to ask.
If anyone has a right to bitch and moan, whine and cry, whatever it takes to feel better, Ronni, it is you. Sometimes it feels good to talk things through or express what you feel in writing. If anyone doesn't want to 'hear' it, they don't have to read it. I think most people who comment here are here because they care deeply about you and your well being. I hope you find wonderful homes for the cats. I've seen all their pics and read their stories. Your life will be easier when your cat population is at a more manageable level (I know from experience).
ReplyDeleteRonni, can you put up cat posters at your local pet supply store and your vet? You write so well, I'm sure you could compel a few cat lovers to adopt a few of Jim's kitties.
ReplyDeleteI always read the posters at both places when I go. Not that I need any more furry things around my house. Four is more than enough for our little home. I often joke with Bob and told him that if we ever got one of those Roombas we'd come home from work and swear that Cousin ITT had moved in with us.