The IRS is still not resolved. Jim's Will needs to be probated first. So, I need an estate lawyer AND a tax lawyer. TRS is supposed to be sending me some forms to help me get Jim's retirement funds, half of which will go to pay the school tax, the IRS, the lawyers and the new roof. Did I mention that I have no homeowners' insurance? Yup. He cancelled that, too, and now the roof has to be replaced before I can get any.
Oh, and the Miata? State Farm called me today, trying to tell me that I have to pay the whole amount for the new rag top and submit for reimbursement. Of course, I called my agent, and he got it straightened out, but, of course, it all took too long, working that out, and now I have to get my car tomorrow. Tomorrow is Tuesday, when I work all day at Ramona's.
I spent this afternoon at the ER with Vanessa, who is suffering from horrible headaches.
And the rear end damage on the Miata is going to preclude my getting it inspected until it's fixed. I still haven't heard from Geico. Last I spoke to them, the guy who hit me had until today to report it. Of course, the paperwork containing the claim number is IN THE MIATA at the repair shop, so I can't even call to check on it.
Did I mention that I got a cheque from his "Flexible Spending Plan" (the thing he swore was medical insurance), for $300, which is all they will cover for his ER trip. The charges listed total over $900, and I don't think that includes the doctor or the ambulance. He was under care for about 10 minutes, max. Would have been less, but they were trying to keep me out.
Everyone wants me to do things, like yesterday if not sooner: get the roof done, get counselling, get lawyers, get posters made so I can find homes for the cats, sell the F85, sell the dryer, sell the freezer, sell the motor home, sell the guns.
When do I get to just sit and be sad?
I am not a happy camper.
When it rains, it pours and especially when you have more than enough on your plate to start with.
ReplyDeleteYou are rightfully overwhelmed and I feel so bad for you. Please take it a step at a time - set priorities and eventually it will all be done.
Do you really need to give up your beloved cats? They are all so beautiful with their distinct personalities and I know you love them. Don't rush your decision as there may be a way to keep them.
Divine Order is a concept.
ReplyDeleteIt goes like this:
You sit and meditate and do nothing, and for some reason, when you're done, the rest of it is always much easier to handle.
When overwhelm happens to me, the ironic reason is, oddly enough,that I have not slowed down to be with the "eternal" -- feelings, friends, thoughts, the Universe...
Hokey I know, but even if you sit for five minutes a day thinking of something pleasant, or just feeling your own feelings, it restores order.
Just a thought.
Love you. Mean it.
I need to reduce the cat population by about half. I think I can handle that many. Unless, of course, I wind up in a shelter...
ReplyDeleteFire Berry, does ice cream count?
Ronni, go to the kitchen and tell me a good time to call you this week. Do nothing now. No more panic, as it leads to pandemonium. You have a lot of things to sort out. There are people who can help with this. First, you need to just go sit and be sad or take a sleeping pill. This is not a time for more input from well-meaning friends. It is time for digesting and contemplation. The world will not end before this is all sorted out. You are beyond overload. Vanessa needs someone else to hold her hand right now, dear. You are used up and need to hold your own hand.
ReplyDeleteIcecream does not count Ronni, except as a temporary plug to sooth your nerves and we will talk this week.
ReplyDeleteLie down on the floor and look at the ceiling and breathe, please.
Valium is better than icecream and not nearly as fattening.
Your friend is right, valium is better than ice cream. And don't waste time worrying. Worrying changes nothing. Try making a list of what needs to be done, in order of importance. Mark stuff off as you get it done, add the new stuff to the bottom as it comes up. It'll give you a sense of control if nothing else!
ReplyDeleteACK! Wyn! Then I have to decide what's the most important!
ReplyDeleteBe sad Ronni, if that is the way you feel, these people that are breathing down you neck can wait until another day. They only deal in claim numbers, they are a breed of their own, they don't specialize in feelings.
ReplyDeleteI wish you weren't so far away, my husband and son would fix your roof for you.
Take care sweet lady.
You must be on a rollercoaster ride of emotions at the moment.
ReplyDeletetry to take a one day vacation from
all of the stress.
be like the floating tarp in the eagle woman picture (which i adore).
float. just float.
Thanks to all your wonderful friends, all the right things have been said. I am sorry you are feeling overwhelmed, but it is normal, natural, and most important of all, okay. I wish I could be more helpful, but my thoughts are with you. Do what you can do, then put it aside until tomorrow. Rinse, repeat.
ReplyDeleteRonni, as long as you need to stay in this mode, just let moi know.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are ready to solve your problems, I will be ready to hear it.
If you want the aide of the ones who can do it, close this for a while. Open it somewhere anonymous if you need to do that. I cannot be responsible for that. Veronica, you are just to self-possessed for words. I am shaking my head. This is not part of the deal.
If you think that you are frustrated, think about your daughter and your son. And oh, yes, any of the rest of us who are trying to communicate with you.
ReplyDeleteCome on, Vero, I am knot gibbon you any slack here. Pull up your socks and get over toi-meme. Fax-moi as moi, she is totally out of patience and you need to move your blob. hmmm, I think you would rather have attention that aide in your worthy situation. I need a response to that. I will not extend myself for someone who does not officially ask for it. No whiners, no wimps, not one person who wants attention more than reality. Wake up and smell the coffee. hmmmmm
That was moi who so far cannotleave a comment.
ReplyDeleteMoi, I don't know why you are saying this. I am angry and hurt by the situation in which I find myself. I am definitely looking for a solution to all these problems. I don't think it's a question of attention, and I am neither a whiner or a wimp.
ReplyDeleteIt's not like I broke a nail here, for heaven's sake.
I'm confused, Moi. Ronni, is living through her worst nightmare. Coping with an incredible tragedy while having to earn a living and keep on her feet for her son.
ReplyDeleteShe needs help, but, unconditional help.
Well said, Mgt.
ReplyDeleteI have walked in her shoes and I KNOW what she is going through.
Bless her heart...
It is days like yesterday that prove O'Brines corolary to Murphys law. "Murphy was an optimest"
ReplyDeleteThe only thing to do with yesterday is sell it to the Soaps as plot material. No one would believe it as non fiction. Lets just throw some things. Betty
Dearest Ronni,
ReplyDeletewhat to say?..i finally have gotten back here to find things getting worse for you. You sound so overwhelmed. I know everyone means well on here, but i'm wondering if they understand that writing here IS a stress reliver for you (sorry if i presume this and correct me if i'm wrong).
They say time heals all yeah right..i just helps the close some. you have a right to feel the things you do, but i hope that you can also tell everyone to go fug themselves and shut down for a few days..clear your mind, meditate, whatever it is YOU need.let's face it woman.. you need to keep your health and sanity!..I'm dealing with alot right now too, which is why you haven't heard from me. I needed to shut everyone out for a few and get my mind back .. seems like everyone thinks the world stops moving if i'm not there for them! lol..too bad i said..i took my rest and now im ready to get stuff done maybe if you do take some time, things will seem less frustrating ..and as far as vallium goes...if you need it you need it..and fire berry good advice...
Moi, sometimes people feel like a waste paper bin,others keep putting there crap in you and when it hasn't got anywhere to go, it just spills out.
ReplyDeletePlease give her time, I think you mean well, and I think you are hoping Ronni will thank you one day, but I think you picked the wrong day.