Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Evening of the Second Day.

I must talk to a judge tomorrow, to make sure I can be made the Executrix of his Will.

We will be having a Memorial at the Palace Theater in Georgetown. We were offered the PAC, but it is much too big. The Palace seats 300, more or less. Mary Ellen is going to run the idea by the Board of Directors, to pick the right day. I will post here when we have fixed a date.

Anyone reading here who would like to speak at Jim's Memorial, please let me know, and you will have that opportunity.

I am expecting it to be in a week or more.

His medical insurance company is going to try to make sure I can receive counselling beyond the 31st of August which is the cut-off date.

I appreciate all the good wishes. I will respond to each of you when I get the chance.

Thank you. Seriously. I had no idea.


  1. Ronni, I wish I lived next door so I could help you through this. At the very least, I'd keep you and Brendan and the cats fed.

    You are very much on mind and I am sending you strength and white light.


  2. Why is the insurance company telling you the insurance ends so soon??? I've been told that if it's medical insurance you can keep it under Cobra for at least 18 months.

    Take care of yourself.

  3. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.



  4. Ronni,
    Just to let you know, you and family are still in my thoughts and prayers.
    Take good care of you.
    with love,

  5. Can donations be made to the funeral home that is handling his creamation? If so can some one pass that along with info on how to do so.

  6. I am copying Lynn's post here from a prior entry so everyone can see it:

    Sam Bass Theatre is accepting donations in Ronni (and Brendan's) behalf. You may send funds to:

    Sam Bass Theatre
    PO Box 767
    Round Rock, TX 78680

    Please put Veronica (Ronni) Prior on the check/envelope.
    I can assure you that she will receive the funds.

    You can also drop donations by the theatre at any time and put them in the mail slot.
    Ronni knows about this, I spoke with her this morning. SBCT is doing the best we can to help her through this. She and Jim (not to mention BJ and the girls)have been family for a very long time...

  7. I didn't realize you were blogging so I came over to catch up. What chaos he left behind! I've been so sad these last days but now I'm really pizzed.

    Why don't you fine folks in Round Rock nominate Ronni's family for Extreme Home Makeover? (I'm not a local.) It's likely they'll pay more attention to multiple nominations.

    Deege found the link for me:

    Thinking of you constantly in this difficult time.

    We love you,


  8. Would someone be kind enough to tell me, how to go about sending from Australia, I mean with the money conversion?

    I would appreciate help, and this is something that I really want to do.

  9. Hi possumbear, it's not hard to do. Check with your bank. You can purchase a bank cheque or international money order, made out to Veronica Prior, in whatever amount you want, in US dollars. Then you can mail it to the address provided a couple of posts above.
    If the Sam Bass Theatre can provide a bank account number, with all the transit, branch and account numbers etc., you and your bank can do it electronically.

  10. Thank you very much for your help.

  11. Good morning, Ronni.

    Since Jim's nephew is the only person mentioned in the Will, it seems only fair that he pay for the funeral. Fair's fair, after all. If he has the gall to help himself to your possessions he should pay all the expenses too. JMHO

    I'm still raging over this utterly selfish, irresponsible act. Sorry!

    My heart goes out to Brendan. He has had to experience something so awful. Something most people will never have to witness.

    Guess what....? I'm ranting again. I'm so frustrated that I am so far away. I feel helpless, and I don't want to be.

    Loretta, good call!

  12. I lost a post about losing my friend two years ago. He jumped off the GG Bridge.

    My psychc reading teacher read him afterwards and concluded he saw life only in B&W; no grey areas.

    That must be the mindset to take one's own life; no exit strategy. Now I'm only feeling pity and no longer anger towards Jim. May he rest in peace and may Ronni recover her own center and rebound.

    It'll be tough, but Ronni can do it.

    Stay strong, lady, life WILL get better. It's finally your turn to take charge of your life.


  13. I believe that in the scheme of things, with the law of opposites and how everything has an equal/opposite reaction that something incredibly wonderful will result of this horrible tragedy.

    I am very excited to find out what it is. I'm absolutely certain it's going to be a life-transforming thing that will bring great joy.

    Hang in there, Ronni. It's just around the corner....

  14. If anyone deserves a to have something thoroughly wonderful happen for them, it's you, Ronni.

    My daughter said the same thing. Huh!

  15. Just a quick drive-by ~hugs~ to let you know you're still in my thoughts and prayers, Ronni.

    Not everything has to be done all at once. Baby steps, day by day, and things will all fall into place.

  16. Ronni,

    You are still on my mind and I wish I lived closer so that I could be useful.

    I also think that there must be a pension/retirement plan.

    Anger is a good emotion right now as it produces adrenaline and that's what you need for the immediate future.

    My friends joined a "survivors of suicide" group after they lost their 25 year old son. They said it saved them.

  17. Hopefully, once all the dust has settled, you will find a little time to grieve, Ronni. This must be such a crippling situation.

    Till tomorrow...

  18. Ronni,
    You have remaained in my thoughts and prayers since I heard the news about Jim. I can't imagine the roller coaster of emotions you must be experiencing. I know you're a strong woman, but this would shake anyone to the core.

    I have some information I hope will be helpful if you aren't already aware of it. I work for a TX licensed Financial Consultant and retired deputy superintendent of schools. He's very knowledgable and confirmed that in Texas there is a mandatory teacher retirement system called TRS. Jim would've been required to contribute a minimum of 6.4% of his salary annually into his retirement.
    If you haven't already done so, call 800-223-8778 and report his death. Tell them you are his spouse. If he had his mother or anyone else named as his benficiary prior to your marriage, and didn't change it, there could be some problems, however Texas is a community property state. Was Jim still working or retired? Texas also requires that a spouse sign a form if they are not listed as the beneficiary on an account like this. However, people often overlook changing beneficiaries after a marriage or divorce. My boss said you can ask them who is named as benficiary and if it isn't you, then they have to withhold payment to another person until it is legally resolved. He said if that were the case, then you'd at least be entitled to 50% of anything contributed during the seven years of the marriage by Texas law, unless there's a loophole.(though he's not an attorney) Please email me if you have any questions and I'll be happy to get his advice on any issues to do with this.
    Thank you for writing and keeping us updated.

  19. stopped in just to give you a hug.
    we're all thinking about you and send you our love.

  20. It's the 3rd day. I understand you are in shock. There are 5 stages of grief you must go through, according to Elizabeth Kubler Ross. If you don't know about this, get some of her books. You can probably find them at your public library.

    You are in shock. All these people offering you support are very helpful right now, making you feel better, knowing you're loved, and helping you get through it, but they have their own lives to take care of, and you, unfortunately, Ronni, are responsible for your own and your son's lives. That's the bad news. The good news is that you can take control.

    Whatever it was, whatever it is that put you and Jim in such a bad financial state needs to get fixed immediately. File bankruptcy, whatever it takes. Set any remaining pride you have left aside. You need to survive, and so does your son.

    I agree it is important to keep your son in his high school, if this is what he wants. If you can't afford your mortgage payment, sell your house, and go find an apartment within the schoold district lines. But first, ask your son if he wants to stay there, where everyone knows his business. Maybe he would like to move. Maybe he would like to spend his last year of high school with his father, or maybe he wants to stay with you. I don't know. Ask him.

    After he is taken care of, take care of yourself. Take a complete assessment of your life. Try to figure out why you allowed your life to become dependent upon a man who wasn't there for the long haul.

    I don't know the answer to these questions. Only you do. But I'm praying for you. I'm asking God to give you enough strength to get through this, so you can move on to happier times.

    I love you Ronni. And I mean it.

  21. Try to figure out why you allowed your life to become dependent upon a man who wasn't there for the long haul.

    Excuse the hell out of me, but do you really think Ronni had any inkling that this would happen? Sheesh! What kind of psycho-babble is that?!!

  22. Anonymous, if you are dispensing life lessons, the least you could do is attach a name.

    My husband killed himself on teh 20th of August. This post was made on the 22nd. According to my arithmetic, that makes it the evening of the second day.

    I may well be in shock, but I do know what day it is.

    My son's living arrangements are for me to decide. That's my job, as I am the adult and he is the child. He will graduate from this school, with his friends around him.

    And, as for Jim being here for the "long haul," whoever really knows their loved ones will be there forever? I could have been killed in a car accident. I could have cancer. Anything can happen to anyone in this gloriously chaotic adventure we call life.

    Tomorrow, I will continue my new life.

  23. And another thing...I loved my husband. If that translates, for you, into some sort of negative dependency, then, I feel sorry for you. I would not trade one minute of the life I had with Jim for all the security in the known Universe.

    Which probably isn't much, but you get the idea.

  24. "And another thing...I loved my husband. If that translates, for you, into some sort of negative dependency, then, I feel sorry for you. I would not trade one minute of the life I had with Jim for all the security in the known Universe."

    Okay. I accept this. You loved him. And the position you are in right now is better than all the security in the known universe. Well, bully for you.

    I take back everything I've said.

    I'm just a girl who has learned how to take care of herself. Sorry you are not interested in learning how to do the same for yourself.

    I apoligize to everyone for pushing my hard earned knowledge and experience into their world.

    I didn't mean to be snarky. I thought you might be looking for a different end result.

    I apologize. Once again, I apologize.
