Saturday, September 16, 2006

Red Flags

I just read Dooce's latest entry (go ahead--the link is to your left), and she has a friend who has written a book of suggestions for blog entries, one of which is the following:

"What are your relationship deal breakers? Some folks are annoyed if a date shows up ten minutes late. Others look for something weightier, like a felony record. Have you ever rejected someone over something that seems insignificant to your friends? Or do you have selective blindness for red flags?”*

I have a story.

I love Joan Baez. I could listen to her sing the phone book and be enthralled. I also think she is beautiful. Back in the day, I had every album she had released, including one called "Farewell Angelina." It had a huge close-up of her face on the cover, with her long hair blowing sideways.

This guy came over to pick me up for a date, and he was thumbing through the records (like you do). He picked up my treasured copy of "Farewell Angelina," looked at it, and said...

Wait for it...

Are you ready?...

He said,

"Who's the ugly broad?"

He was SO history!

*Quote is from "No One Cares What You Had For Lunch: 100 Ideas for Your Blog," by Dooce's friend Maggie, courtesy of Dooce.


  1. Hiya, Ronni! Great to see you back.

    Heh, I've missed you!

  2. So good to see you up and running again - missed you!

    My dealbreaker is smacking. I cannot abide someone who smacks their food. I have to move on no matter how attractive, witty or wealthy you might be if you smack. It is nauseating.

  3. Oh, I agree, Justin. Even seeing it on TV actually makes me retch.

    Ronni, this is just so unfair! Shoot me an email when you get to a computer, if you will!


  4. BTW, ugly is fine with me. Don't give me rude and nasty! THAT, you are by choice!

  5. CALL ME!! I have wonderful news for you!

  6. Well? Where are you?
