Thursday, March 02, 2006

Fat-Free Mayonnaise

Fat-free mayo is not food. It bears no relationship to any food group I ever heard of--at least since 4th grade when I stopped eating paste. I'm pretty sure it's made, or at least was developed by, Borden. That's Borden, i. e. Elmer's Glue.

It's much thicker than real mayo. If you squeeze some out onto a piece of deli paper and let it set for an hour or so, you can roll it up into a ball and, if you drop said ball on the floor, it will bounce. Does that sound like food to you?

If you want to avoid the mayo calories, try mustard instead. Mustard has no calories. Or, skip it entirely. There is life after mayo. Ask Stacey. She doesn't eat the stuff at all, and has suffered no ill effects.


  1. Surely that's an exaggeration, Ronni. LRHAT!

    Reminds me of my Father's wonderful (not) scrambled eggs with cheese. Flubber comes to mind.

    If you didn't get it out the pan quickly enough, you ended up with something that resembled rubber. My brother used to say "I hate it when Mum has to go to hospital!"

    It was either "Cowboy Food", which was a tin of baked beans with the lid half open (my Mother would have been appalled at the danger, here), or the cheese and eggs. So, no choice at all!

    Love to all. Have a great weekend.

  2. Pretty funny! I can see that you won't be the poster girl for Miracle Whip anytime soon!

  3. Mgt, it is not an exaggeration.
