From the little bit of solid information I have been able to glean, one of the latest straws to break the camel's back in the blog war is the fact that the owner of Observations of a Misfit published the name of a person she considered to be a "troll," or nuisance. Apparently, this is a sin or something. I can't even remember what the name was/is, but do recall that it was a fairly common name. One that a person could find many of in any mid-sized city phone book.
There are certain facts about myself that I wouldn't like to see published: my SSN, bank account and other financial numbers, passwords, etc. But names are everywhere. My name is on the Sam Bass Theater website, it's at Classmates.com and its English equivalent, it's in the phone book. I don't get upset about that, so why should I get upset if I see it on a message board?
I've been here and there on the crime discussion forums on the internet. In most places, I posted under the name "caryatid," or some variant thereof. At Misfits, I'm vero. I have friends who call me that in real life, when they're not calling me "La Mala CampaƱera." But that's only because I smoked; something nice Latinas don't do. In real life, most of my friends call me Ronni, which is why this place is called "Ronni's Rants." That, and I like the alliteration.
So, as I have no parking tickets, there are no warrants out for my arrest, and no illegal substances under my floorboards (dammit!), I have no reason to conceal my name.
Caryatid ran off at the keyboard enough to get banned a few times from CourtTV and WebSleuths, but always came back with a number after her name. I'm sure I made a few posts that I would find embarrassing to read now. I'm sure the BogBusters could beat me about the ears with some of them.
What the heck? I've said a few things in real life that I could wish I hadn't. Nobody is perfect, after all.
I'm old enough to say what I think, without being required to think the same thing two years down the road.
At this rate, I could have "oldtimers" two years down the road!
And I bet they all like you as well Vero. I have been over at the misfits haven't seen you just wanted to say hi.Hope you are well and still off the ciggies. bye