Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm Still Here

Well, OK, I haven't been writing much, lately. A lot of reasons...busy at work, worried about money and the house and all...and I know that gets old pretty fast.

We got "Beauty and the Beast" out, and "Oklahoma," and now we are working on "Man of La Mancha" and "The Bourgeois Gentleman." The latter looks like a lot of fun, as it's a time period we haven't actually done...baroque or Restoration. Any Molière we have done has been set in the 16th Century, rather than the 15th. So Ramona's creative juices are flowing, and that's always exciting. It makes freezing my ass off at work worthwhile.

I am staying with Mrs Thing for a week and a half, while Lou and Kaye are off on a birthday cruise. It makes for a bit of scampering around, because I have to check my house more often, due to the cold and the cats and the announcement from the neighbourhood association that there has been a rash of break-ins, "usually when residents are not at home."


I'll tell you--any scumbag that breaks into my house when I am home gets a box of tissues hurled at his head! Ha! Take that, you animal...!

...followed, of course, in quick succession, by a large number of paperback murder mysteries and true crime stories.

I have every confidence that such a performance would send him packing.

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