Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Where Is My Camera?

Somehow, my camera (well-laden with pictures of Aidan's birthday), never made it home from the party. Mandie, who was the last to leave, didn't see it lying around anywhere, and it didn't fall out of my purse in the car, and it didn't get put in Chandra's purse by mistake...

Some people came up to our table as we were packing up, and laid some garbage on it (empty pizza boxes and such) so they could stack the boxes rather than dropping them all over. Maybe they snagged it when I wasn't looking.

I can't afford to replace it right now, and I'm angry.


  1. i had a camera that i took the very last pictures of me and my dad.. who i saw when i was 6, 21, and 35 period... went on a 1 day cruise offered by a radio station... and took pictures there too... and someone took the camera... i'm not mad about the camera...i'm mad about the pictures of me and my dad... who died 4 years later...


  2. I am sorry Ronni,

    Sometimes people really suck.

  3. I'm still hoping it will turn up somewhere, but we have all looked and looked...

  4. Sandi, That is so sad...

    My parents once sent me a camera, because they weren't getting enough pics of their grandchildren. I noticed that it had film in it, so I removed it and took it in. It had several pictures on it that were 20 years old. It was really a treat!

  5. Two possibilities:
    Someone took it, or it got mixed in with the garbage stack.

  6. Such a bummer! I hope you get gifted with a camera or at least your pix get returned. Was it a very small camera? I don't own a modern one, but someone showed me one that was smaller than a pack of cigs. Could have been swept up.

  7. The garbage stack was too small to inadvertently catch up my camera. And, Driver, it is larger than a pack of cigs. It's a Canon Powershot A570IS. I got my son one of those little ones when he went off to college. Maybe he'll let me use it while he's home...

  8. Ohh, that must feel terrible! I am so sorry! It was a good camera and you take great pictures! I hope you find it. My sister lost hers for more than 5 months, thinking maybe one of the janitors at her business carried it off either by theft or as trash. Turns out she found it at the home of some friends out of town she had stayed with. They found it first and thought it belonged to their son. Tried to return it to him, but he said it wasn't his. After that, the mom looked at the pictures on the camera, and she recognized my sister's husband in the photos and so the story had a happy ending after all. Hope yours does too. ...t

  9. I found it! I'll bring it by this weekend.

  10. Yay! Thanks, Honey...where was it?

  11. On the desk, I have no idea how it got there. I know I looked there before.
