So, I went to Sam Bass Theatre to see "Christmas Belles."
Boy, was I glad I did!
Andy Brown, one of the funniest men I know, has rounded up a cast of righteously talented people and put together a brilliant kick-off to your holiday season of fun and frivolity.
"Christmas Belles" is sort of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever," for grownups. Like "BCPE," it tells the story of a Christmas Program with an inexperienced director and a lot of more-or-less talentless performers. Add in a case of "pancake plague," an escaped felon, a long-lost sister, an inept proposal, Santa with a kidney stone and Mrs Santa nine months pregnant with twins, and you will laugh. If you are local, go here:
Sam Bass Community Theatre
and make a reservation for one of the remaining eight performances right away.
Thanks Ronni, I could use a laugh! Sounds like your T-Day was nice and mine was too. It was a great day to be distracted and just enjoy the here and now.
you want a laugh? I got an anonymous person on my blog telling ME what to say! lol Ronni there are some strange people out there lol I of course had to write a BIG comment on it! because after all I'm a I had to! lol