"With just a pinch of cyanide!"

That's me on the left.

Playing Martha Brewster in "Arsenic and Old Lace" was a wonderful thing. I am finally starting to let go of the hurtful things that happened between Prez and myself, and just remember the fun part.
I don't think I will ever be able to picture you like this. Only black leather and whips and high heeled boots!
ReplyDeleteAh, but this is the character who actually poisoned people!
ReplyDeleteA bit slow here -- is this really you?
ReplyDeleteYeah! I played Martha Brewster.
ReplyDeleteI'll add a couple more...
Great pics! I guess it's a compliment when you look like the character and not yourself - bravo for you!
something in the script suggests the character, and it all grows from there. I really have no idea of what I actually look like playing a role, until I see the pictures or video. I usually find a mannerism. for Martha, it was rubbing my thumb against my fingers--almost like snapping them, but without the snap. I have no idea where that came from, but when I noticed myself doing it, I did it some more.
ReplyDeleteNeat - you can notice that hand posturing in the last pic. My sister was involved in community theater and she was big on the "in character" theme -- head space just so. I quite enjoyed the plays I saw but can't remember them now.
ReplyDeleteI think I told you before but we have a provinically reknowned (and broader yet) Arts & Culture Center where plays are featured the entire summer. Great reviews too! Many people visit our province just to take in a few plays & musicals.
It was only when I read the other comments and looked real hard that I could see your resemblence around your mouth.
I don't worry about the right head space, any more. It just comes when I step on the stage, and falls away when I step off.
ReplyDeleteI have never had any formal theater education--we didn't even have it in high school. Just 25 years of on-the-job training.
Austin has good theater, too, and some of the shows at the outlying theaters, such as ours, or The Palace in Georgetown, are very good. What The Palace did with "Jesus Christ Superstar" was absolutely stunning!
ReplyDeleteMany of the people in it felt that they were witnessing their faith. There were several ordained ministers, and even more Biblical scholars involved in that show.
I'll tell you what--it almost made a believer out of me, and I'm a dyed in the wool cynic.
RE: head space. I don't think I explained it right. She, like you, took on the persona the moment she stepped onto stage and remained steadfastly "in character" until she departed - come what may. (props dropping, flubbed lines etc.)
ReplyDeleteDoes that make better sense?
She didn't have any formal training either - other than being a teacher and raising 4 kids - but she always maintained that her acting come from the heart, not her head. She often noted that actors were a "different bredd" - not exactly sure what she meant by that though.
Some people are just naturals.
I think it might be something I could enjoy - didn't have any spare time when the kids were small and now that I have some time, I don't have the stamina. I played the title role (Giggles??)in a grade 8 play but it was a relatively small part. Any acting aspirations I may (or may not) have had went down the tubes when I hiccuped throughout my lines.
The highschool used to have some great operettas -- arranged at the behest of a few teachers - there were never any courses offered. I rememberd them doing the HMS Pinafore & later, Guys & Dolls. By the time I entered highschool, those teachers had retired and with them all plays & operaettas.
None of my 4 kids had the option of theater. A few roles in some Church plays was the extent of their experience.
I think the title of my grade 8 play was "Dimples" not giggles. I guess I was remembering all the fun we had :)
ReplyDeleteThe only this I did as a kid was Public Speaking, and Christmas pageants at church. We did a skit one time, with the church Girls' Club, and it was a hoot. We had to recite the stage directions as part of our lines, and it was a send up of fairy tales involving beautiful princesses, etc.
ReplyDeleteI loved you in this role!!!!!