Sunday, May 04, 2008

A Blast From the Past

Summer, 1964 (I think). The bride is the former Lyn Bruce, who was my friend and mentor during a very awkward period of my life. We discussed a lot of things, when she was a young teen and I was a "between." She taught me to dance, so all of you who have seen me dance; it's all her fault.

She married Fred Gronlund, and that's my mom shaking his hand, and me right behind in the stupid hair piece and the sweaty dress. On further perusal, that might be my own hair, just with the top layer pulled up. I can't really see Mom allowing me to wear a hairpiece. Hell, I wasn't even allowed to wear lipstick!

I don't think antiperspirant had been invented yet, and deodorant came out of a jar in the form of a cream. Ew. The next time I wore that dress, I wore a little party sweater over it. I loved the dress, though. It was rose brocade, and quite flattering to my non-existent figure.

Lyn and Fred have been married for 43 years.

You will be glad to know she no longer wears those glasses, though I wish I had them for the costume shop...

Thanks, Lyn, for the picture and the conversation!


  1. I am totally digging the glasses.

  2. Those glasse would indeed be an asset!
    I will ask my mom if she still has hers from then,if so I will see if she will part with them for you! I know she had them a few year ago still,but who knows?
