Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A Thing To Remember

An object does not disappear from the face of the earth because something gets put on top of it.

The trick is to remember approximately where you put it down, and then lift objects in that vicinity and look underneath them.

Why do I even have to say this?


  1. Ruh roh, what did you find?

  2. It must be a boy thing. Ours has to be dug out from under the workings of the sleeper-couch (almost every day). And, he STILL says "I don't know" when asked what he has done with it.

  3. I think it is a "kid" thing. My daughter does that more often than my son, and that's a lot!

    Maybe if they didn't have so much junk for the remote to hide under it would be better. :)

  4. nuh uh. Its an everyone thing.

    I left a check (BLANK) for $420 so my BIL could give it to my sister for the girl scout cookies I sold at my office. RIGHT on my mothers desk I left it (family). Now my families office is a half an hour away so when she said she couldnt find it I was more than a little irritated.

    My mother "I looked everywhere, I tore apart my desk".

    Me "its right on the blotter, you
    CANT miss it, you SAW me put it there"

    My mother "I must have thrown it out, I am sorry"

    Me "MAAAA, it was a BLANK check, WTF" (I didnt know the troop number)

    A WEEK later I was finally able to make it down there again at lunch. My mother was at her computer (thats not at her desk) and I walk in, I just looked at her and said "are you kidding me? This was a joke right?"

    Me mom "what are you talking about?"

    The check was EXACTLY where I left it. I saw it before I even finished walking in the room. Her response was that my checks are the same color as hers so she kept on looking over it thinking it was one of hers for something.

    She is SO making me spaghetti and meatballs on Sunday.

    If she wasnt my mother I would have made her pay for my gas lol. But I like her meatballs better than gas.

  5. My mother's meatballs gave me gas!

    I know what you mean, though! Total frustration!
