Sunday, November 04, 2007

A Year Has Gone By

On November 3rd, 2006, Meredith Fisher dropped by her sister's home, in response to a voice message from her sister's husband, who wanted her to retrieve a document from the printer by the family computer. He wanted Meredith to get it before Michelle, his wife, would be home to find it, as it was a picture of a surprise gift he was planning for Michelle.

When Meredith entered the house, she found the dog "freaking out," the house not as it should be, her niece, Cassidy, brimful of conversation, and her sister, beaten to death on her bedroom floor. Beaten so badly that her jaw was broken, and teeth scattered about. Beaten so many times about the head that the Autopsy Report had to list the blows in groups, and found ten separate ones.

A whole year, this investigation has been dragging on. Recent news reports state that only about one third of the samples sent to forensic labs have been processed, and they are still sending in pieces of evidence for analysis.

A year later, Michelle's mother, sister, and family and friends gathered at Michelle's grave for a memorial.

Michelle was pregnant with a boy, to increase the family started with her daughter, Cassidy. Cassidy was two and a half when she spent half a day wandering the house by herself, talking to her dead mother and trying to fix her up with band aids and a washcloth. It seems Jason, the husband, had called Meredith early in the morning, but she, thinking that she had until just before Michelle would come home from work, waited for a convenient time to go to her sister's house.

Jason got himself a really good criminal defense lawyer before he even got back into town, and has not cooperated with the investigation AT ALL. Oh, he shelled out some blood and tissue samples in response to an NTO (non-testimonial order), but he learned a thing or two from Scott Peterson. The thing about Scott was that you could tell he was lying in all those interviews. In this case, there have been no interviews. Not even with the police.

Does an innocent man do this?

Many opinions expressed on crime message boards would have us think so. He does, after all, have the right to remain silent. However, what red-blooded American male could stand to keep silent while the investigation plods on, methodically turning over stones that he could have smashed asunder with a word?

It is my opinion that Jason Young is the most likely person to have killed his pregnant wife. Statistically, the spouse is the most likely perpetrator. Especially when the murder seems to involve a lot of rage, when it occurs in a private area of the house, such as the master bedroom, and when the blows are concentrated in the area of the head and face.

He covered his tracks well, if, indeed, he did this. He has hotel receipts covering the time of death, a six hour window, according to police. Of course, his receipts don't prove he stayed in his room all night, and he was close enough to have gone home and killed his wife and got back to the hotel by check-out time.

Here are some links for further perusal. Some are message boards, some are blogs, some are news reports.


This one has more links, including the Autopsy Report and some warrants.

Michelle Young Memorial

Memories from Michelle's family and friends.

Friction Powered

An investigative blog.

A message board from Michelle's home town.

Murderous Intentions

This one is from Australia!

Young Tragedy

This has some of the early discussions from the Court TV message boards, which have since been deleted from there.

That should keep you busy. There are other boards discussing this case, that can be found by googling her name, but most of them have devolved into petty argument.

The case is so sad. Another young mother, killed in her prime, taking her unborn baby with her, and leaving her daughter motherless.

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