Friday, November 23, 2007

More Driving

Two pics, taken by turning 180° on the same spot. The cliff is a nice cross section of Hill Country. This is where our pink Texas granite comes from--the stuff they used to make the Capitol.

Facing the other way is a "Scenic Overlook," not the T. Don Hutto "Detention Center."


Some "Overlook!"

I guess they have to keep idiots from trying to climb down, or jumping off, or something.

Personally, I think they should take down the fence and thin out the gene pool, but that's just me.


  1. Ronni you are too funny... Do i detect a little facetiousness???? lol
    personal I agree with you!
    Ever hear the song Signs by Five Man Electrical Band?
    Very fitting....

  2. Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
    Messing up the scenery, breaking my mind.
    Do this, don't do that; can't you see the sign!

  3. Or is it "blocking out the scenery?"

  4. o course th "live vrsion" sys F--king! lol
