Friday, September 07, 2007


I go to sleep in the middle of the bed, but I wake up on my side, with all the covers piled up into a huge mound on Jim's.

I used to tease him about recording his snoring to play back for him. I wish I had actually done it.


  1. I'm going to try and remember that. When Bert's irritating habits (we all have them) bug me, I'm going to try and remember that I'll yearn for them if he wasn't here.

    I hope you are OK Ronni. This will be a hard bit coming up - now the memorial is over and other people are going back to their normal routines - and you're not.

  2. Yes. I am braced for that. It doesn't seem like nearly three weeks...

  3. Barb,
    take a tee shirt of his sleep in it or with it it will help. hang in there sweetie it does get better love ya and worry about you alot. Your gaggle friend

  4. jt -ronni, please look over my post above this one i just noitced i called you barb, so sorry just a honest mistake sweetie love ya ....breeze
