Saturday, June 30, 2007

Michael Medved Speaks Out

Michael Medved used the sad story of Jessie Davis to sling mud at single parenthood. After citing some horrendous examples of babies from single-parent families meeting extreme danger, he concludes:

No one would argue that government should seize control of babies to remove them forcibly from their unwed mothers (except in the most dangerous and irresponsible circumstances). But by the same token, the authorities should do nothing to validate single parent households or to make it easier for unmarried women to keep their babies. The best interest of the child dictates a potent push for adoption, not single parenthood.

Since millions of Americans will now examine every detail of the Jessie Davis murder case, they ought to take a little time to consider this aspect of her situation. For two-year-old Blake, it didn’t represent kindness or generosity for Ms. Davis to keep the child and to attempt to raise him in her painful position. The more tender, loving, unselfish and, ultimately, more motherly decision would have been to place the child in a two parent home with vastly better odds of achieving happiness and success.

Now, I don't know who Mr. Medved is. I had never heard of him before I read this article linked by Mom2One. Based on this article, I'd have to say he is narrow-minded, chauvinistic, misogynistic, and generally unpleasant.

Is he advocating the removal of the safety net used by thousands of single parents? It sounds as if he is. He speaks of those single mothers who have never been married, but the vast majority of single parents have been married and divorced. Is Mr. Medved agin that, too?

Mr. Medved has no knowledge of childbirth, no knowledge of the feelings a mother has when she signs away her baby to adoption, and certainly no idea of what it's like to have an abortion.

I became a single mother by divorce. I became a single mother all over again, by choice. I had every opportunity to marry my son's father, but I chose not to. As he has since married a very nice lady, I'm sure he is glad I did. Brendan's father and I worked together for Brendan's upbringing and support, and have raised a fine young man.

So, Mr. Medved, keep your sermonizing to yourself until you can give some indication that you know whereof you speak. Just because some single moms have been neglectful doesn't mean we all are. As well, neglect and abuse happen in two-parent families, which sort of negates your point. In fact, many single-parent families are started in an attempt to remove the children from parental abuse.

In the words of a famous television waitress: "Kiss my grits!"


  1. Ooh, that just makes me so angry I am gritting my teeth as I type. If you haven't found out yet who Michael Medved is...he's a freaking MOVIE CRITIC! And not a very good one. He's one of those critics that apparently never attended Criticism 101, where one is taught to not give away too much of the story, definitely not key plot points, nor the ending.

    Somewhere along the way he decided being a semi-famous movie critic who poorly executes his craft was not enough, he should also do social commentary. He's straight out of the Pat Buchanan "Things were so much better when white men ruled the world and everybody else knew their place!" school of thought.

    I'm all for adoption, it is a wonderful thing...if the mother chooses that option. No child should be torn from their mother's arms because the government thinks all children should be raised by middle class or wealthier, heterosexual, same race, one income families. Families come in all shapes and sizes, just like people. It's about commitment and love. But that's not good enough for those narrow minded throw-backs. And for the record, I happen to be an heterosexual, almost upper middle class, white, stay at home mom!

    Is single parenthood ideal, no. It's tough being a parent in the best of situations. But there are plenty of two parent situations that are far from ideal as well.

    To say that little Blake was done a disservice by his loving mother, and essentially blame Jessie Davis for her murder is abhorrent. She made poor choices, certainly, but so have we all. We don't deserve to be murdered for them. We don't deserve to have our unborn babies murdered with us. A two year old baby does not deserve to be left alone for two days with nothing but the memory of his mommy's murder.

    Dear Mr. Medved probably thinks that at least with Jessie Davis' and Chloe's murder that at least there isn't one more child out there with a single mother. He's sick. He's disgusting. He and all of his ilk turn my stomach.

  2. Go Darr!! Where is that little saluting icon when you need it?

    I did find out he's a movie critic, but I put no faith in critics (she said, from her Community Theater background), that cuts no ice with me.

    Thanks for saying what I was trying to!

  3. Michael Medved - pfui!

  4. Isn't he something else? What a throwback?!
