Monday, February 05, 2007

A Day's Cruisin'

Vanessa and I mounted an expedition to the Courthouse today, to get Ethan's Birth Certificate. After going through the metal detector, and descending into the labyrinthine bowels of the building, we eventually found the Office of the Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Right next to the Office of the Registrar of Cattle Brands. I kid you not!

It cost $23 to get a copy of his Birth Certificate. I guess that paying the note on all that storage must get pricey. All the clerk did was print the Certificate from her computer and hit it with a seal. She did give us a business envelope to put it in, neatly and cheaply stamped "Birth Certificate." Our tax dollars at work.

We went to The Monument Cafe for lunch, and their Chicken Lombardy is To Die For. Ethan slept.

We did a bit of shopping afterwards, and went by the shoe shop where Jasmine's mother works. You really should go by her CaringBridge blog and read how they went to watch Jasmine's soccer team play in a tournament on Saturday, and Jasmine, who had her surgery last Monday, walked, in a leg brace, out onto the field, to the accompaniment of cheers and whistles of her former team mates. They made an arch with their arms, and Jasmine walked--WALKED--under it. Heather said it was very difficult not to cry. She is made of sterner stuff than I. I cried when she was telling us about it. I cried when I read about it in her Journal, but hearing her tell the story was much more intense.

After a guerilla shopping run through Target, for baby clothes (and a few things for V), we went back to Vanessa's and vegetated in front of the TV until I persuaded Grandpa Jim to come and get me. He got his baby fix, and I will have pictures as soon as Mike uploads to his gallery.

A lovely day.


  1. What a beautiful grandson you have. You are truly blessed!
