Saturday, August 26, 2006

Thank You, President Bush!

Again, the Prez has screwed poor folks. This time, it's single mothers. This article is from today's Austin American Statesman, print edition. The article can be found on page 2 of the Metro-State section, under Texas Digest.

The Child Support Collection agency gets a double whammy, losing $196 million from the feds, thanks to the Deficit Reduction Act, and $43.7 million under proposed state guidelines that call for spending cuts of 10%.

This agency is already overwhelmed. I've been re-married for six years, and the cheques still come to my former name, in spite of my having notified them numerous times. It takes years for a piece of data to get from one office to another, even in the same building, and they are now cutting the funding by over $200 million! Do our congressmen actually read the bills they vote for? If not, we need new congressmen. Do you hear that, John Carter? Did you vote for the Deficit Reduction Bill? Did you know this was part of it? I hope you get lots of mail about this.

Let's help deadbeat dads avoid supporting their children.

Thank you, Mr. President, for making life miserable for single parents and children to pay for your ugly war.

Is there something sinful in being a single mother? The Baptist Church seems to think so. Divorce is frowned upon in the church the prez says he belongs to. Not forbidden, but frowned upon. So mothers and children have to go without child support.

I am incensed. Again.


  1. It seems to me there's an awful lot of "frowning" upon things by the Bush Administration. I'm not happy with the way things are being done, and I write letters to the White House quite often to let them know! If anything ever happens to me, you'll know "Georgie" finally got tired of me!

    This administration is so arrogant and insensitive. I have no idea how they expect people to respect them for what they do.

  2. I don't think its respect they're after - its dollars. At least Bush is more upfront about his motives - we have to put up with Blair's two faced politics which I think is worse!!!

  3. Forsooth, our esteamed (poached) (fried) leader doth garner unto himself all things that seemeth good in his sight. Be they money, power, or respect, he taketh it all, every bit of it doth fall into his grimy paws.

  4. This is a difficult one for me. I don't know enough about the truth of this fiasco, but I know I'm seriously angry!

    I would love the people who are making money off this to be tried as War Criminals, along with all the Politicians.
