Thursday, August 17, 2006


The Faggoty-Ass Faggot (see sidebar) has put up a list of his flaws. I find that idea intriguing, so here is a (partial) list of mine.

1. I'm 40 lbs. overweight
2. I interrupt people
3. I'm irascible
4. I can't sing
5. I'm superficial
6. I don't read "good books"
7. I yell when angry
8. I am not patient
9. I can't draw
10. I'm not pretty

If you think you have anything to add to this list, please keep it to yourself!

Edited to add:

11. I hate housework
12. I watch too much TV
13. I like chick flicks
14. I like mindless action movies
15. Sometimes I cave
16. I have a violent streak

Edited to add:

I haven't actually smacked anyone in years.


  1. I hate housework, too

    Don't watch enough TV

    Like True Story movies or movies with good character actors

    I "always" cave

    Avoid conflict like the plague - it ain't worth my time

  2. I'm +/- 20 lbs overweight (with every 'intention' of joining a gym)

    I'm mostly a quiet person

    I've been known to lose concentration if people talk too much

    I get irritated easily, but have learned to hide it

    I have no talent that I know of

    Like to read John Grisham or True Stories

    Usually give up when I am out-shouted (the argument is usually about something unimportant)

    So, I like peace and quiet, really

    My looks are subject to opinion and 'going' rapidly...

  3. Mgt, the problem with always caving is that you never get your way. You seem to me to have quit fighting for yourself, and reserve all your energy for fights in support of others.

    You haven't once caved on the CamBlog! Incidentally, there ws that dang poster using your nic at about 11 last night. We knew it wasn't you--it's what, 5 AM where you are, when it's 11 PM here? Also, s/he spelled "Sarah" without the final "h", which is not like you at all!

    I'm not particularly pugnacious, but I will pick a battle and fight it.

    You need to do that once in a while, or you will be chief support, cook and bottle-washer to your family for the rest of your life.

    I've got an idea. Tell them they are not to ask for anything for the next few months, because you are saving up for a computer for yourself, and, if they behave, they might be allowed to use it occasionally.

  4. My 'caving' sounds worse than it is, Ronni

    Not having a support network is probably the worst thing that could have happened to me. All my pals live hundreds, if not thousands of miles away. LOL, no one to run to...

    About the computer; my daughter is already saving for one, so that carrot won't work, I'm afraid.

    I heard about the impostor. I will be careful in future.

    One more thing I would like to add to the list, if I may:

    I hate injustice in any form!

    Hey, I'm banking on my daughter marrying someone with children - then everyone will be happy. Not that she has met him yet!

  5. Um...hating injustice doesn't count as a flaw. Like a lot of Loretta's list, it's much more of a virtue. Did you get a copy of Loretta's list, BTW? If not, I'll send it.

    Good for your daughter, saving for a computer. Can you go in halves, and then you become entitled to spend some time on it?

  6. Good point!

    I did get the list, thanks.

    Okay, scratch the injustice and replace it with my urge to draw blood, on rare occasions. Knowing that I would have to clean it up is a good deterrent!

  7. I make it a point never to draw enough to make a mess.

  8. You crack me up, Ronni!

    Have a good weekend.

  9. Who says you're not pretty? You're a chameleon, able to look glamorous or diabolical in your infinite talent as an actress.

  10. I think you're one of the most beautiful women in the world, Mom. After all, a wise woman once told me that beauty is on the inside and if it comes on the outside, too it's just a bonus. So I guess you got the best of both worlds!

  11. Vanessa, what a lovely thing to say!

    I love you, kid!
