Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I missed it!

I've been busy!

One year and two days ago, I started this blog. I had had one at Tripod for a few months before that, but it doesn't count because only two people ever read it. And I was one! LOL!

I started Ronni's Rants so that I would have something to do with my hands while in the arduous process of banishing the demon weed (not that one! Tobacco!) from my life. The day I started the blog, I bought my last carton of cigarettes. I finished it two weeks later, and, on August 29th of last year, I quit smoking. I used the patch. It worked.

Last fall, I costumed Agatha Christie's "Black Coffee," and played Aunt Caroline. After that, came "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever," which I directed. At Christmas, we moved.

In the Spring, Sam Bass Theater produced "The Women," which I costumed, and in which I also played three roles. Two of them were very small, but one was a nice chunky bit. In May, I started a second job, this one for a friend who is a costume designer, and professional costumer, as well as owner of a costume rental house. So, as well as working for Thundercloud Subs, I now work for A Cut Above Costumes. I spent June driving around Round Rock, taking pictures of parks and churches for an on-going series of entries about my home town.

My son was in "Aladdin" at Sam Bass Theater this summer, and I have just finished costuming "The Merry Wives of Windsor." In July, we went to Michigan for Lisa's birthday, and met some cyber-friends, finding them to be just as terrific in real life as they are on the net.

Now, I'm in rehearsal for "Arsenic and Old Lace," which is going to be a lot of fun.

It has been a very busy year.


  1. Happy Blogiversary! And congrats on the non-smoking success!

  2. Thank you, Carri!

    Now I just have to lose the 40 lbs I gained in the process! LOL!

  3. Congratulations, Ronni!

    The 40 lbs will eventually just fall away (well, that's what happened with me); even though it took a couple of years, I did lose the weight. Hopefully you will be the same.

    You look fine to me, anyway, but I know what you is hard to get used to.

    You are a great person and I am glad you are having so much success.


  4. Well done Ronni, I remember when you started it, I didn't read it for a while because my youngest daughter was involved in a serious motor car accident, only had her licence for a few weeks, when it happened. Supposeldly I was suppose to have been accused of doing something at Misfits, which as far as I know, I was always well behaved. Never mind. I still read your blog, when I can, and also Lisa's and I like her husbands as well. I hope you continue to enjoy doing this because we like to read it.

  5. Possum!!!

    Good to see you! I knew your daughter had an accident. How is she? That must be the very worst thing a parent can go through. I almost lost one to TSS years ago, and my life changed forever.

    As far as Misfits goes, we're still around, and the place spawned quite a few blogs, as you can see by my sidebar.

    Please don't be a stranger!

    Mgt, I'm just a bit too fluffy for my liking! You are a lot younger than I, and it was easier for me to lose weight years ago than it is right now.

  6. Ronni, I don't know which Mgt you think you are addressing, but I assure you, I am no more than 3 years younger than you are, if that.

    After giving up smoking you, just have to let your body settle down. Especially if you have been smoking for a long time.

    It's hard, but try to be patient.

  7. You look about 15 years younger, in your picture.

    Who's your plastic surgeon? I want him! LOL!

  8. LOL! Don't be fooled Ronni. I told Loretta it is all a bit of trick photography.

    Stretch the neck and cheeks a bit. It hides a magnitude of sins.

    If I do look young, it hasn't done me a blind bit of good. Bless your heart!

  9. Mgt, I'd love to show up in Glasgow and rattle your cage a bit!

  10. Oh, please do! I'd love to have such a fun person to see the sights with.

    You rock, Ronni!

  11. Could we go to Kircudbright?

  12. That's where my birth father was born.

  13. We can go anywhere you like, as long as it is by train. I love the train journeys over here.

    The countyside is so beautiful. Kircudbright is right down on the South West Coast of Scotland - really beautiful part of the Country.

    Do you have a picture of your Dad that you can send me?

  14. The only picture I have is a wedding pic of him and his first wife, which I posted on January 15th. If you go to that date, you'll see it.

  15. Will do. Seriously, I would love to see you!

  16. That picture must be so precious to you, Ronni! He looks wonderful, a really handsome man.

  17. Thanks Ronni for asking she is on her way to recovery, when it happened her body went through a lot of trauma and it has triggered an autoimune disease, which is causing her major problems. Problems with her vision and also joint swelling and had a lot of fluid around her heart, they say sometimes this can happen through shock.She was in her final year at school,the doctors have advised her to take a break this year, and don't think about any study untill 2007. She had done a lot of work on her major for her drama performance and journal, and really was disapointed to have not been able to perform, she says she would have blown them away. God love her. Take care Ronni, and if your chatting to Kez tell her I miss her blog and we need her back, lot of cases happening here in the land downunder. She was very good. Hi MGT.

  18. Possum,

    Hopefully, like the phoenix, she will rise. I have faith.

    Kez was having some serious health issues of her own. I think she is lurking occasionally, but, like you, has too much going on in RL to be here.

  19. G'Day Possum. Wishing your daughter a full and speedy recovery.

    These things are sent to try us. Now, I feel so guilty moaning about my RL. At least my family is healthy - knock on wood!

    Other people's lives seem to be full of good fortune and progress. Why is that?!

    Best wishes to you and your daughter, Possum.

    By your leave, Ronni!
