Monday, March 06, 2006

Community Theater Story

The first time I did "The Odd Couple, Female Version," it was with the short-lived Hutto Players. We were performing it as dinner theater, and the restaurant had no space we could use to change clothes. However, there was a bakery a couple of doors down the street that allowed us to use their place. So, when we had finished a scene, we ran out the back door of the restaurant, down the alley, and into the bakery. Only trouble was that the bakery had an automatic lock on the back door, which meant that somebody had to sit right by the door to let people in, who were frequently in a tearing hurry. The night of the dress rehearsal, we hadn't quite figured this out yet.

I was sitting in the bakery, waiting for a cue, when there came a horrendous pounding on the back door. I ran to open it, but nobody was there. I had figured out what had happened, and went back to the front. Sure enough, the door flew open, and an actress rushed in, shirt off, dragging off her jeans en route. She was, to put it mildly, upset. "Gawd damn it!" she said, "The f***ing door was locked!" and looked up to meet the eye of the actor playing Manolo. He was sitting there with his jaw on the floor.

In real life, he was the minister of her church.


  1. OMG! That is the sort of thing that would happen to me.

    I can imagine the look on their faces.

    You write great tales, Ronni

    Good morning to you!

  2. Hi, Mgt!

    Isn't it great about Loretta's book? It's nice to see all her hard work rewarded! Even if it goes no further, it's still proof positive that she's in the top 12%!

  3. I'm so proud of her. A great achievement from a great person.

    I'm really looking forward to the next book.

    Looking at your Grandson's hands, makes me believe he is rather a big boy for his age.

    My Grandson is the same age, but his hands still have that padded, baby look to them.

    I hope you are going to keep on with that theme.

    Have a great day!

  4. Hilarious, Vero! That would totally happen to me, as well.


  5. Mgt, if you look at the hands below his, you'll see where he gets that long-fingered thing. His dad had similar hands, as well.

  6. He's not actually big for his age, I don't think. He's approximately 4'2", or 127 cm tall.

  7. That must've been priceless!

  8. Yes, I see the resemblance to Chandra's hands. He has the hands of a pianist. Heh!

    My grandson is about 4'8" and has the hands and build of a Rugby player. We think it's the Polish blood.

    My daughter has a full time job, keeping him away from food, as he has a tendency to gain weight. It's like the War of the Roses some days.

    Great to see that you have linked the Blooker Prize, in honour of Loretta's nomination. Good for you!

  9. He may, if we let him live.

    I was tickled pink over the prize announcement!

  10. Hey!

    What about the second time you did this show and the stage nearly caught fire. It's you isn't it?

    You hex the Odd Couple, Female Version don't you? ;-)

    Love u, mean it! ;-)

  11. OK! I'll do an entry on that one, and include the one at the Palace, where nothing actually went wrong!
