Saturday, February 11, 2006

Why It's Hard to Get Pictures of Banshee

Banshee thinks that a camera lens is very interesting, and might contain food.


  1. Hi Ronni,

    Banshee is a fantastic tuxedo specimen. You have the most interesting looking cats. That pic of Lolly is priceless.

    You have inspired me to take some new pics of my growing kitties. Thanks.

  2. I love cat pics, anywhere I can get them. I am so lucky to have this camera that has enabled me to take pictures that look good, as I am no kind of photographer!

  3. He got his name because he yowls in the car. He never says anything around the house, which leads people to ask why on earth he is called "Banshee." I just load him into a carrier, and take him and the Doubting Thomas around the block. Dang, he's loud!
