Sunday, February 26, 2006

These Hands

All of these hands belong to women who are strong, brave, loving, faithful. Who are loved and respected by their families, friends, communities. We visit with friends, volunteer at our kids' schools, make casseroles for stressed neighbours, water our lawns, play with dogs, balance our books. We worry about our kids, parents, mates and lumps. We pray, or at least, send out positive thoughts to and for our friends that we don't see all the time. We are all survivors, emerging scarred but triumphant from life's battles.

Every one of these women is beautiful.


  1. thought provoking and touching - thank you

  2. What a beautiful tribute!

    I applaud you!

    Such a thought provoking Entry!

  3. Oh Ronni, this is such a wonderful series. You took such a simple idea and made it so meaningful.

    Thank you!

  4. vero - I love this entire entry. It makes it all the better that I "know" some of these hands.

    You always put exactly what I am thinking into words and do it so much better than I ever could. You are brilliant and a joy to "know!"

  5. Thanks for all the kind words, everyone! Ik'm glad you all liked it. I enjoyed doing it.

  6. Ronni, what a touching entry. You have a unique way of seeing the truths in others. Lovely tribute to so many wonderful women.

  7. Kez, I am so glad you like them!
