Sunday, February 26, 2006

Barabara's Hand

Barbara is the person who keeps the computers up and running at your school. She keeps track of who has been doing what with them, so your kids can use them to further their education in a good way.

This hand has comforted children, changed diapers, pulled splinters, taught school, cleaned house, baked cookies, cared for animals and driven a car pool. This is a beautiful hand. Posted by Picasa


  1. William thinks this is about the most beautiful hand in the world, and that's all that matters. (He doesn't even notice the gnarled joint from slamming my finger in the car door.) This is the hand the handles the control that gets him past "the hard parts" in the Finding Nemo video game. Not to mention the *too many to count* loving touches.

    Thanks Ronni!

  2. And don't forget, Barbara is an artist and those hands create beautiful artwork, too.

    Plus, clap a lot at basketball games!

  3. LOL! That is true. They have done a lifetime of clapping these past few years.

  4. Definately a beautiful hand!

